Nervous and Excited

Melissa Hoey Griffith University, Australia


February 22, 2017

Between stocking up on months worth of sunscreen so I avoid becoming a walking tomato and figuring out how I’m going to fit my entire life into two fifty pound suitcases, I haven’t fully realized that in a few short days I will actually land in my new home halfway around the world. Studying abroad was not something I originally planned to do. At every college visit I went on, the universities would rave about their broad variety abroad programs and it didn’t really mean anything to me. I’m by no means a homebody, but I never really had that innate drive to pack and leave. I like to feel comfortable and know everyone around me. Honestly, sometimes walking around the woods at my house is adventure enough. But one thing I knew was that I always wanted to go to Australia, and once I realized that studying for a whole semester in such a beautiful country with so much to offer was an option, there was really no way I could say no.

I had only ever heard incredible things about Australia from how friendly the people are with their charming accents, to the vast array of wildlife that you can only experience in this part of the world, to the breath taking beaches and landscapes. I love anything and everything outdoors, which can be hard in freezing temperatures back home in the winter. So I plan on spending any and all time I have enjoying everything Australia has to offer in the beautiful summer months.

I’m nervous, of course. I’d be nervous if I wasn’t nervous about packing up and moving across the world for four months, completely alone. But I also find comfort in knowing that on the other side of this fear is an adventure. The fact that this is an english speaking country brings a lot of ease to me, but I am aware there still will be great differences culturally. I am excited to explore what it really is like to live in Australia and form lasting friendships with all who I meet.

Thankfully, I’ve had many friends go abroad before me to provide me with helpful packing tips, like don’t bring a hair dryer, and larger goal tips, like don’t be afraid to do something by yourself. My goal is to seize all opportunities to learn and grow, and I can’t wait to take off!