My First Few Days in Granada

Daron Mulligan Arcadia in Granada, Spain


January 28, 2016

As my day of departure was getting closer and closer, I was getting more and more nervous. I began to realize how daunting it was to live in a country where you don't speak the language. I saved packing until the last minute. To top it off the East Coast was hit by a blizzard which cancelled my original flight to Spain. I rescheduled my flight to leave a day earlier than expected. This meant I only had a day to pack and say goodbye to everyone!

I left from the Philadelphia International Airport Friday evening (1/22) and arrived in Granada on Saturday afternoon. I met up with a few other people in the Arcadia group in the Philadelphia, Madrid, and Granada airports. We had a day to rest and explore the city together before orientation started. Most of the group arrived the following day. I was very nervous about moving into my home stay on Monday night. I don't speak Spanish so how would I communicate with them? Luckily, my family speaks both Spanish and English! They have a dog named Brisa and a son my age. My host mom is very nice and helpful when I don't understand her Spanish. She teaches English to Spanish speakers. So far we've had delicious lunches and dinners everyday! I'm off to go try a popular snack churros con chocolate!


Semester Spain