Mount Cook

Kristin Kinchla University of Otago, New Zealand


June 5, 2017

Time unfortunately is coming down to an end. I have four finals within the next two weeks. I do have one last trip to look forward to after finals and that is Milford Sound. My friend and I am going to Milford Sound for five days until I have to fly back home.

The most recent trip that I did was Mount Cook. Mount Cook is an extremely famous mountain to everyone who lives and visits here because it is the tallest mountain and people train on it to climb Mount Everest. I did not climb Mount Cook because that would be impossible for my skill level, I climbed up to Mueller Hut which brings you to an amazing view of Mount Cook. This may have been one of the hardest hikes of my life, but the view was totally worth it. We were told we needed crampons and ax picks which would help us climb up to the hut, but we were so last minute with the decision to go, we weren’t able to get any in time. We were unsure of if we were going to make it to the hut because of how many people told us we wouldn’t make it without these supplies. We made it though, after climbing up a mountain at a 45 degree angle and hearing avalanches around us for most of the time, we made it.

The picture above is the view we had in the morning. Mount Cook is the mountain in the middle and as you can see, we were above the clouds. This is by far my favorite place in New Zealand due to how gorgeous it is. We will have to see how Milford Sound compares.


New Zealand Semester