More Sight Seeing!

Brenda Khor Arcadia in Barcelona, Spain


February 15, 2015

Each week gets more and more exciting. This week, the Arcadia program took us to a hospital called Hospital de Sant Pau. We learned all about the history of it and how it was originally planned to be roughly 40 buildings but they ran out of money and only built 20. It was an amazing view of all the buildings. It had so many exquisite designs and everything was symmetrical but different at the same time. There is still a hospital in the back of the area but most of it is used for a museum, events, offices or leases.

In addition, on Valentine’s Day, my friend and I took the train to the mountains called the Monserrat Mountains. We were able to hike up them and the view was mind-blowing. The scent of the mountains just smelled like nature and it was really relaxing being up on top. Even though I miss my friends and family, studying abroad has been one of the most challenging and exciting obstacles that I have been through thus far. It got to me that I came to Spain by myself, not knowing anyone and had to adapt to a different culture. It was tough but I love meeting locals, trying new food and seeing new things!