Mom’s European Vacation

Alycia Parker Arcadia in Granada, Spain


December 23, 2018
Alycia Parker is a student blogger studying at Arcadia in Granada, Spain

I apologize for not writing for so long! My mom came to visit me in the middle of November, and since then I have been super busy with classes, exams and trying to make the most of every minute of study abroad.

My mom had never left the United States before this November, but I convinced her to come and see me in Europe as her first trip across the pond. She flew into Amsterdam, and I met her there, super excited to see her after a couple of months apart. She was in for a big culture shock-- the hundreds and hundreds of bikes all parked together (and almost getting run over by bikes every time we walked somewhere), the still versus sparkling water question at every restaurant, and of course, by the Arctic freezing weather.

After our weekend in Amsterdam, my mom came to stay in Granada for the week. It was so nice to be able to show her around a foreign city that I knew so well. She was charmed by all of the historic details of the city, and she especially loved all the walking we got to do everyday. I took her to the Mirador San Nicolas and the Alhambra-- two of Granada’s most iconic sites.

Having my mom visit Europe was nice, and because she came during the week of Thanksgiving, it made being far away during the holidays feel a little more like home.