Making the Most of It

Ashley Young Scottish Universities' International Summer School (SUISS), Scotland


July 30, 2019
Currently Studying at: Scottish Universities' International Summer School (SUISS), Scotland
Homeschool: Northampton Community College

Three weeks down, one to go. This week has been full of crazy weather changes, a beautiful hike, a beach, some drinks, and some great friends to do it all with. It's hard to believe this time next week, I’ll be done with the SUISS creative writing program.

I surprised myself with how well I was doing with not feeling homesick. There was one little time on the first day I was here that I talked to my mom over video chat, and one little tear fell. Up until now, I was completely fine and hadn't felt any more homesick than just that little moment. Yesterday was my Mom's birthday, and I didn't get to spend the day with her like I usually do. On top of that, I just got off a video call with my Mom and my aunt who are at the NASCAR race we go to every year. I was fine talking to them, but as soon as I hung up, I wished I was there with them. My mom is playing it cool; she keeps saying she's enjoying her alone time and doesn't really miss me much. I choose to believe she's using a form of reverse psychology, so I feel better about being so far from home.

That's not to say I’m having a bad time here. I’m having a great time; I’m learning a lot, and I've met some amazing people who I know will be my friends for life. There are two girls, in particular, I met here, one lives about 45 minutes from me back home, and we have already planned to do things months from now. The other lives a lot farther, but I know we’ll stay close too! We have even nonchalantly planned a ten-year reunion to come back here. And by 'planned' I really mean, my one friend mentioned it in conversation, and now I’m going to make sure we actually do it. With any luck, we’ll visit Scotland again together in 2029.


Scotland Summer