Looking Forward

Eien Sykes Bidwell University of Wollongong, Australia


February 16, 2015

I'm about to leave for Australia and I'm not panicking but I feel like I should be.

I'm definitely concerned about my flights because there's only an hour between them, and I'm concerned about my luggage because I don't want it to be lost or extra-inspected by the TSA. But I think the big thing that makes me nervous is the jet lag. I don't know how well I will sleep on a 16 hour flight and when we arrive it'll be early morning so I'll have to be awake for a really long time.

I find it hard to be excited. Everyone in my family is calling to say goodbye, my mom bought me going away balloons, we went out for a special dinner; it feels more like something is ending rather than starting. I kind of wish I had been on my home campus up until this point, this feels like a strong transition without any real warning.

I bought an entirely new wardrobe so I could be comfortable, and I packed all of it with the tags so it will be super fresh when I arrive. I may not feel ready for this experience, but I have planned for my future self to be thankful to this past self putting so much thought into packing. I've thought through all the scenarios and printed out maps of my airport terminals, I have my travel guide, I've packed extra stuff in my carry-on for the first week, I'm prepared physically. Not so much emotionally. I think I have stressed so much in the past that my mind has just shut itself down now so I can't be worried anymore, but I also can't be excited. Its really weird. Everything is just kind of happening and I'm just riding it out.

I'm not “excited” but I am looking forward to it. Its different I think. I've been planning this study abroad experience for over a year now. Recently I went to visit some old high school teachers. I remember I used to break down crying in some of their classes because I would just be overwhelmed by something that was said, so I wanted to show those teachers how I've turned myself around. They were both so excited to see me and told me they they were proud of me and invited me back in September to talk to their students. I'm looking forward to that, too. I'm looking forward to landing, to eating new foods, to coming back with pictures and stories. I'm looking forward to coming back and being an Orientation Leader and helping new students be inspired to study abroad. I'm looking forward to talking to high school students about how my life has changed. I'm looking forward to changing myself.

I have to go and get ready for my flights now. I'll see you in Australia!