London at last!

Lauren Young London, England


September 12, 2014

So the view out my flat surely makes up for the fact that it's located 16 stories above the city and our lifts do not work properly. When I say "do not work properly" what I really mean is they literally come with a full set of instructions on what to do if the lift breaks down as well as an awful noise every time the door opens, comparable to that of a dying animal.

It really is an interesting experience incomparable to anything I've ever experienced before. Coming from the University of South Carolina which prides itself on being a "city oriented campus" I thought I would have had some form of prep. Nope, not at all. In London you fall asleep to the sounds of police sirens, cars honking, people chatting on the street (loudly, might I add), and buses running all night. Back in the US I would fall asleep to the occasional sound of drunk college kids wandering home from the bars.

Although the change of pace came quickly and hit me like a brick wall, it's comforting knowing that almost all the rest of the students on my hall are going through the same thing as well. We're all London newbies, we might not be proud, but we are what we are and if that means getting lost nearly every time we leave the hall then so be it.


England Academic Year