Let the Adventure Begin!

Megan Anger Arcadia in Chile


February 10, 2017

T minus 2 days until I leave for Chile and although I have not packed anything yet, I am ready to go! I am ready to be immersed in the Chilean culture and Spanish language and ready to spend the next four months in Valparaíso.

My trip will begin with my first time flying in an airplane! I am so excited for this new experience but it’s nerve-wracking as well. I’ll be traveling for 18 hours I will arrive at the airport in Santiago, Chile around six in the morning. I don’t know what to expect from flying but fingers crossed that I’ll love it.

I am so excited to live with host family, but it is also the thing that I’m most nervous for. My host family won’t speak any English so I will be completely immersed in the Spanish language right away. Speaking Spanish to survive is different from speaking in the classroom, and Chilean Spanish is a whole other ballgame.

It’s difficult to pack for four months in Chile because I’ll be there for the end of summer, fall, and beginning of winter (one reason I’ve been procrastinating packing so much). They say that the key to packing for different seasons is layers so I’ve been focusing on bringing clothes that are versatile and can be worn with different outfits in different occasions. I will need to pack my bathing suit, my winter hat, and everything in between.

I’ve read the guidebook and highlighted the places I want to visit while I’m in Chile. I’ve watched all of the travel vlogs I could find, and gotten in contact with others who have traveled to Chile recently. I’ve received a lot of good advice that has helped me plan my trip and now I’m ready for my adventure in Chile to begin!

Next stop: Valparaíso! (Once I finish packing, of course)