Lauren Takes on Florence

Lauren Young London, England


January 5, 2015

Our next stop on our travels across Italy was Florence (Firenze) and let me just tell you it was more amazing than a simple text post could sum up. Quickly stealing my heart, this beautiful city with breathtaking views from almost anywhere was lodged full of cathedrals, naked marble men and (obviously) unbelievable food that I'm still dreaming of. One of the most amazing parts of the city was the centrally located Duomo which, with its beautiful architecture, offered anyone willing to climb its intimidating spiral stair case a view of all of Florence.

One cool bit about Florence was its hidden street art. If there is one thing living in a city has taught me it is to look for art everywhere. Instead of moving from point A to point B like a robot I’ve now become a serial street art collector, looking up and down alleyways for free art! While in Florence, I was able to test my true skill. Hidden all throughout the city were amazing stickers on street signs and silly recreations of famous art pieces. It was the little quirks of Florence that made me truly fall in love with this fabulous city.

Go to Florence! I cannot emphasize it enough, it only took me 3 days to realize this was the best place I've ever been and will probably ever be (opposed to London that is). 

P.S. I also happened to accidentally run into my flatmate on the streets of Florence which was very random being that neither of us even knew we were going to be there. Small world i​sn't it?