La Bella Primavera!

Sarah O. Sicily, Italy


March 23, 2014

The sun finally showed its face this week, and what week but the first of spring could be better? It was hard to concentrate in school with the weather being so nice. We have all been waiting for Sicily’s famous hot weather but we have not seen any sign of it these two and a half months, until now.

The week started off with a revisit to a new part of archaeological park. There, an environmental group and the mayor of Siracusa came to speak about the park’s public reopening. Susi, our Sicilian culture teacher, took us around showing us different parts of the new site. I ate a not so good tasting fruit off of one of the trees called a loquat. I was told they taste better when they are riper… Then we just walked around and enjoyed the sunshine.

Later that week we suntanned at the swimming rocks and one kid was brave enough to jump in! It looked so cold and I was scared but the second day out there I could not resist. The water looked so clear and cool. I jumped off a 10-foot high rock and screamed all the way down. The water was not too cold and it felt good to be in the sea. The Mediterranean is saltier than any other water I have ever been in. I am going to enjoy the spring here. I wish it had been spring all semester.
