I’m All Wrapped in Prague

Lauren Hobson University of Glasgow, Scotland


April 17, 2017

As far as traveling goes, this will likely be my last post. Finals are coming up, and I’m basically broke from the semester, so I won’t have many more stories to tell. But this last one was pretty great.

My cousin moved to Sweden with her husband, who she had met 10 years ago when she did a study abroad in high school (how romantic). So since I was already this close to Sweden, I knew I had to visit. I’m so glad I did. Although I did not see much of Sweden, what I saw I loved. As far as cities go, Malmo was amazing. Sweden as a whole is very biker friendly, all the sidewalks have designated bike areas. We spent a day in Lund, a cute town just near Malmo and went to an International Food Fair. I had pirogues which were amazing. And of course a Bratwurst with the biggest pile of sauerkraut and the tiniest bun, with the longest brat ever. It was great.

In the late afternoon we had Fika – which is the Swedish word for coffee, but means an intimate coffee gathering with close friends. That night, my cousin’s husband made us traditional Swedish meatballs with lingberry Jam it was sooo good, I don’t think I have eaten that much in a long time.

We spent a day in Copenhagen, which I also loved. And two days in Stockholm, which again, I also loved. Maybe it’s the Scandinavian in me, but I really loved it there.

From Stockholm we flew to Prague where we spent the next two days wandering around the city, eating incredibly heavy food, (Czech food, not my favorite) and taking copious amounts of pictures of every building we passed by. Our BnB was in the same square as the John Lennon Peace Wall, it was great to see the wall changing everyday as people added layer upon layer of peace quotes on top of peace quotes.

The journey home (to Glasgow) consisted of my friend and I heading to the bus station at 2:30am to catch the 3:00am bus to Dresden Germany, where our first flight was delayed, preventing us from having time at our layover in Dusseldorf to pick up some authentic German Bratwursts. We made a vow to come back to Germany together to right this wrong.

Although I was exhausted after this trip, it made me want to travel more and more. I do hope that I will get the opportunity to return to these places and share new experiences with more friends again.


Scotland Semester Travel