I Went to Malta

Logan Ludwig University of Westminster, England


May 29, 2019
Currently Studying At: University of Westminster, England
Homeschool: Ohio State University

I went to Malta with four of my friends this past weekend for four nights. Malta is a very tiny island just between Italy and Africa. We stayed at a large Airbnb that suits eight people, but because we had people cancel, we now had a large hostel for just the four of us. The island of Malta is a beautiful place with vast amounts of beautiful resorts and warm sunshine. The water, however, was quite the opposite. It was blue, beautiful, unpolluted, and very clear, but extremely cold.

We were among the very few who were swimming. We even went cliff jumping at a popular spot where other people were, then we went off on our own hike in the area and found a spot to jump for ourselves. The jump was higher and a lot of fun. In conclusion, I would recommend anyone abroad try to visit Malta near the summer time as it is affordable and beautiful.