I am going on an adventure

Gaelen McCartney Glasgow School of Art, Scotland


August 19, 2015

I am going on an adventure.

Sure, the corny word anyone will tell you knowing that you’re studying abroad. But the more and more I thought about it; the more it’s true. I am going on an adventure. For four months I will be on my own traveling in and around Europe while gaining a stronger knowledge of the fibers and art world. For as long as I can remember, I have always wondered what it would be like to travel the world. When I found out that during college you could go to a different country for six months to study, I was filled with excitement. For years I began to make lists of countries I wanted to visit and things I wanted to see, creating my own imaginary adventures.

In one week, I leave to study abroad for four months in Scotland at the Glasgow School of Art (GSA). I begin my trip by spending four days in Copenhagen, Denmark where I will actually be staying with the family that my dad stayed with when he studied abroad. I then head to Edinburgh, Scotland where I will have my first orientation, before heading to Glasgow to begin classes at GSA.

I am going on an adventure.

I just want to thank my parents, family, and friends for the constant support in making this adventure possible. I cannot wait to share my experiences in Scotland with everyone when I get back home. I know that they are wishing me the best as I head out on this incredible journey.

In the wise words of Disney/Pixar’s UP, “Adventure is out there”

I am going on an adventure.