Hiking Roy's Peak

Kristin Kinchla University of Otago, New Zealand


April 11, 2017

Dunedin is probably one of the most alive towns I have ever been to, it is such a college town and I absolutely love it. There's always people around and I live on one of the busiest streets which has gained a reputation for the noise level.

When I'm not in Dunedin, I'm traveling around the South Island every weekend. So far I have managed to go to Queenstown, Akaroa, Catlins, and Wanaka. Wanaka is by far my favorite because I can totally see myself living in such a small quaint town. I also did a hike in Wanaka called Roy's Peak which is what gave me the realization of how beautiful New Zealand truly is.

The picture is me and a friend after hiking up Roy's Peak. It took us three hours to get to the top, the other friends we were with ended up ditching us because we were so slow, they managed to go to the top, eat lunch, and go half way down before we made it to the top. The view was definitely worth the three hours of being out of breathe and doubting if I was going to make it!


New Zealand Semester