Here At Last

Jillian Arenson University of Westminster, England


January 8, 2015

Last Tuesday I flew into London to celebrate New Years with my friend Joey! Coming back after two years was not weird, it felt right to be in a place that I hold so close to my heart. It felt like I have never left this beautiful city. The first night I got here my friend took me out to a really nice dinner and we spent time together. The next night was New Years Eve and who wouldn’t be excited to celebrate New Year’s in London? That night we went out to dinner then went to a dance club! We danced the night away! As the seconds ticked by the music got lowered and everyone stood with their friends and loved ones and started the count down. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and then it was New Years! It was so amazing to be in that place that night! Everyone walked around and said Happy New Year to one another. Each and every person was just so happy to have been able to ring in the New Year in such a wonderful city!

Even though I was so happy to have been here and was able to celebrate with one of my best friends, I missed home. I missed celebrating with my family and calling my friends and other loved ones to wish them a Happy New Year. Being away from home is rough especially when the people you hold so close to your heart and think about all the time are there! It has only been a week but I miss them so much! Being away for five months is going to be rough some time but I know that when I get back they will have their arms ready to give me a big hug!

While I wait to be embraced by those arms again I am going to enjoy my time here and live it up! On January 1st my friends and I wanted to do something that they have not done before so that night we ventured over to Westminster saw Big Ben, Parliament, and then got on the London Eye. Being on the London Eye before I knew what to expect, but each and every time you go on it is still such a beautiful and breath taking sight. You can see all of London from the very top of the London Eye and it is amazing how gorgeous the city really is! From Buckingham Palace to little carousels you get to see so much from up there!

After a wonderful night we went back to his flat to start to get my things together as the next day I started orientation! It was nice to finally meet everyone that was in the same Program I am in. It was amazing to see where everyone has came from! Each and every person was from a different state all over the US and from a few different countries as well. The first night after our first day of orientation we stayed in a hotel very close to the Arcadia Center in London. It was nice to be able to see so many familiar faces that worked in the Center from when I was there two years ago! Once that part of orientation was over with, it was time to head over to our flats for the next five months!

Boarding the bus to take us over to Alexander Fleming Hall, I did not know what to expect from the flat itself and my flat mates. Now that I am here I could not be any happier! Each of us gets our own room, we have a huge kitchen, and two bathrooms! Besides that my flat mates are amazing! They all are so nice and I am very lucky to get to meet each and everyone of them! Now it is just time to get used to living here and getting ready for classes that start Monday! Until then I get to have some fun exploring one of my favorite cities!

