Having my Owen Wilson "Wow" Moments

Jack Taylor Arcadia in Greece, Greece


February 3, 2020
Currently Studying at: Arcadia in Greece, Greece
Homeschool: Arcadia University

Firstly, I would like everyone to know that while my flight from Philly to Chicago to London to Athens was painfully twenty hours long, I was blessed with not one, not two, but THREE window seats. Yes. There is, in fact, a correct answer for the best seat on a plane. The answer: the window seat. Okay listen, I know that it makes it hard at times when you need to use the loo, or you struggle to move your legs because the old man next to you is falling asleep and pushing his entire leg into your tiny section of space, BUT you get something to actually look at. In my last flight, we flew right over the swiss alps, and that alone was able to take my breath away. I’m glad to know that the Owen Wilson “wow” outbursts did not end with the flight.

Boy do these professors get you moving right off the back. The first full day in Athens, we gathered on the roof of the Arcadia Center (beautiful place by the way), they collected our phones, pointed at a very large hill in the distance in which a small white church was placed, and said: “Your goal is to get there. See you soon.” Mind you this had to be at least a mile away, first day in the city, and not even knowing what the heck the place even was. BUT, a few cool kids and I whipped out that map, and we went to town. Literally. After about an hour, we made it to the top, and we were happy to see that our group was the first to make it to the top.

After taking several, and I mean several, minutes to catch our breath and wipe the sweat away, we were able to take in the incredible 360 view of Athens. The ocean in one direction, the mountains to the other, the Acropolis sitting high and proud. The view is beautiful. Another Owen Wilson “wow” moment. The best part is, it’s only day one.

Something that I am learning here is how to just take a second and actually breathe and exist. I’m noticing how laid back the Greek lifestyle is. Its custom to sit in a coffee shop for hours, HOURS. That’s so awesome. Just being able to sit and enjoy someone else’s presence, taking some time alone by going on a walk, slowing down, enjoying the souvlaki, taking your time to just enjoy being, and having as many Owen Wilson moments as I possibly can is something that I am doing and loving every minute of.

I’m looking forward to the months ahead, the challenges, the wonder that this semester will bring me.

Here’s to many more Owen Wilson Moments.


Semester Greece