Hands-on Homework

Lauren Young London, England


October 6, 2014

One of the last classes I chose to take while abroad was a course based entirely upon writing about London. I saw it and was like, "Well I'm already going to be writing plus I'll be living in London so this just seems like an easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy kind of credit." Being that the class is made up entirely of study abroad students, I'm assuming that a lot of people had the same idea as me. For our first assignment the professor assigned us to get onto a bus (which we all know I'm terrified of) and ride it all the way to the end of the line, observing people and places along the way. As I'm sure you're all curious what homework is like in London, here's a quick example of my first "truly British" assignment. Enjoy but don't be too turned off about busses; keep in mind that I'm bus-biased.

Ride to the Other Side

I have motion sickness, bad. For anyone who has ever experienced motion sickness you can sympathize with my agony and the constant ramblings of concerned parents telling you to, “face forwards” or “look out the front window.” Well guess what mom, you’re a liar because I’m staring out this front window and my stomach is still flip, turning, and upside down similar to the likes of the Fresh Prince of Bel Air’s life.

It’s hot. Besides feeling sick now I’m sweating in all the wrong places. This seat was warm when I sat down which just makes my Will Smith stomach flip-turn even more. I mean really, how much body heat does one have to give off to leave a residual and lingering warmth on these already disturbingly worn seats.

Three stops have passed by, not that I’m counting or anything. Now the woman, who for some God forsaken reason chose to sit backwards in front of me (obviously she never listened to her mom’s car sick banters), is growing suspicious. We’ve made eye contact an uncomfortable amount of times at this point and I’m almost positive she thinks I’m trying to write her a love note. Listen lady, this is not a date, you chose to sit facing me.

Woah. A very sweaty man just got on the bus and he’s walking this direction. You know it’s bad when you can see the beads of sweat formulating on someones forehead before they’re even within 10 feet of you. Thank god the woman next to me chose to place her massive, you could hide a body inside, bag on the seat next to me diverting sweaty man into the row before mine.

It smells like sausage, coffee, and sweat. I’m getting off at the next stop I need oxygen and most likely medical attention.​