Goodbye Scotland

Ashley Young Scottish Universities' International Summer School (SUISS), Scotland


August 5, 2019
Currently Studying at: Scottish Universities' International Summer School (SUISS), Scotland
Homeschool: Northampton Community College

It's over just like that. I’m going to keep this one relatively short because I’m already crying. This past week has been so bittersweet. I’ve met some amazing people in the past couple of weeks. To every person I met through SUISS, you all made my experience in Scotland better than I could have ever imagined. Two friends in particular who are in the photo attached to this, Kapri and Kylie, you guys are amazing! I truly don't think I would have had as great of a time in Scotland if It weren't for the two of you. We've been spending every day together for the past four weeks. We were kind of glued at the hip in a way. We have done everything together, been through every adventure. Even as I’m writing this, we are helping each other through crying spells. I can't imagine what it's going to be like to not see them every day.

On a happier note, this week I did a lot of actual writing so, unfortunately, that leaves very little time for shenanigans. We did, however, visit Calton Hill which was absolutely stunning. It was definitely the best way to say goodbye to Edinburgh. On Friday, we had another Ceilidh, which was also our farewell party. I couldn't think of a better way to say goodbye to the people and the program. At these farewell parties, they also give out little awards. Which are so awesome. Our student hosts spend a lot of time thinking about each student to give them the perfect award. I got the “SUISS Ink Award for Super Tattoos.” So it's official, my Tattoos are awesome!

This week we also got to experience the Fringe festival. When we first got to Edinburgh, we were told the population almost doubles during Fringe. We thought they were joking, they weren't. You couldn't move on the main streets it was so packed. However, It was pretty awesome getting to see some of the shows. They had a ton of shows that happened everywhere throughout the city.

For the next two weeks, I’ll be perfecting my portfolio that we have to hand in for grading. In that case, my SUISS course isn't completely over yet. I’m hoping I actually get it done since I’m in London for a bit over a week. Which I thought would be a great idea, but I really wish I would have just chosen to go home after SUISS. I thought since I was over here, I would be saving myself money by just doing it all in one shot. I wish I wasn't alone here. Coming to London has been a dream of mine for so long, but I guess I imagined I would be here with friends or family, not by myself. I’m trying to make the most of it, but between leaving SUISS, missing home, and seeing my friends come home to “Welcome Home” banners, I really just want to hug my mom. I’m counting down the days until I leave for my flight home. 8 Days, 15 hours, and 24 minutes. I think once I get into the city and start seeing the museums I’ll feel better. But so far it's been a rough 24 hours. I know how fast the past 4 weeks went, I can only imagine the next 8 days will fly by just as fast, which I’m kind of hoping for.

I wish everyone in SUISS a safe trip back home either today or in the next couple of weeks. I can't wait to see all the amazing things everyone in the creative writer's course will do! And I hope I get to see you guys again. Welp, this is my last post for Arcadia and SUISS, so I hope you have all enjoyed reading about our adventures.

Goodbye. -Ashley.


Summer Scotland