Goodbye is only ever for now

Lauren Young London, England


November 24, 2014

As my first semester abroad nears to an end I find it hard to say goodbye to some of the most amazing and odd semester long friends I've ever met. Though it's only been a few months, we have all been brought together for the same reason, our love of travel and our faith in adventure. It's very humbling to know that there are people out there with the same drive and goals as myself.

Although goodbyes are painful and soon approaching I know it will not be goodbye for long. We might live all across the world but from my many years of long distance friendships I've learned that distance only makes the heart grow founder. We've had our adventures for now and soon life will bring us back together, it might not be in London and who knows where it will be but if it is meant to be it will be.

Goodbye is only ever for now.



England Academic Year