Going for Goldsmiths: My Pre-departure Journey

Regina Karmilovich Goldsmiths, University of London, England


September 13, 2017

Welcome to my first blog post!

When thinking about study abroad and my fast-approaching departure for London, England, there are so many emotions to express for me to talk about any one experience or idea. So in the hopes that you consider studying abroad, I hope this timeline of my emotions helps you better understand what the journey from applying to departure feels like.

Get excited about your studies

February 12 of this year was the first day I felt truly and completely passionate about my studies in Visual Cultures. It was the first time ever that I saw an academic future for myself, something I’d been searching for over the last two years. Getting excited about my studies laid a really good foundation for making all other study abroad decisions. After all, academics was the door that opened up so many of these abroad opportunities.

Let others help you - it’s not their first time

Next, I had to meet with my academic advisor to discuss what and where I was going to study for the next year. As I wracked my brain for a location that would best suit my studies, I started feeling overwhelmed by the options and uncertain of what I wanted. It was at this point that I flat-out started crying in front of my advisor, and I highly recommend you do it too. In some miraculous way, my anxiety ran away with my tears as my advisor calmly suggested I look into Goldsmiths University of London. I was shocked when I discovered how perfect Goldsmiths was, and that my advisor knew what I wanted before I did.

Don’t be discouraged

I could not stop thinking about my potential future as a Londoner. On March 3, I had an appointment with the international advisor for England, but five minutes later learned that Goldsmiths was no longer a pre-approved university for me to study abroad. I was speechless. In order to even apply to Goldsmiths, I had to undergo a petition process. So the remainder of that meeting was spent looking into other schools with a simpler route. I went back to my empty apartment feeling discouraged and a little sad, but I completely missed the point. After sulking for ten minutes, I realized Goldsmiths wasn’t completely off the table. So, I emailed my advisor; I wanted to go to Goldsmiths.

Be prepared to do extra work

I started working on my petition over the next week and a half. Though it took up most of my free-time, my love for Goldsmiths grew immensely as I tried to convince others why it was the right place for me. I submitted my petition to a committee on March 17 and on April 10, I was finally granted permission. I felt validated. My purpose became clearer to me and I felt a sense of empowerment now that others believed in my path too. The extra work may be daunting at first, but it’s worth the effort to achieve what you want.

Know that it pays off

I was later accepted into Goldsmiths University of London on May 12. My spring semester had ended and I went home for the summer. At this point, my study abroad experience was mostly replying to emails, making a deposit, booking a flight, and waiting. Once you book your flight, the excitement returns stronger than ever and now it’s real. All the work done from March to May was worth it and I’m actually going to London. I’m actually going to London!

Now you’re a freshman again

During the last month at home, things accelerated really quickly. My inbox was always filled with new info about Goldsmiths: how to get involved, setting up my new email, enrollment, orientation schedule, housing allocation and so much more… It was like I was a freshman again. However, the best part of this last month has been connecting with other study abroad students just like me, ready to start fresh in a new country.

In less than a week, I will board a plane for London, England and finally see what I’ve been working towards for the last six months. Cheers!


England Pre-Departure