
Caroline Brock Arcadia in Granada, Spain


May 14, 2018

And just like that, we've started our last week of classes before finals. This past weekend, Arcadia took us on a trip to the Costa del Sol in Granada, and the caves and beach in Nerja. Some of us decided to take this opportunity and extend the day trip into a beach weekend. We got to relax, cook for ourselves in our Airbnb, and spend time together reminiscing on the semester that is quickly coming to a close.


We're still making our way through the bucket list we made back when 40 days seemed like no time left. Now, we're at 12 days until our flights back to the US. For me, it's hard to talk about going home. The United States is where I grew up, where I go to school, and where my friends and family are. Yet I've also created a life here, with friends and family, however cheesy it may sound. In the grand scheme of things, spending four months of your life in a place isn't a lot compared to the decades you will spend somewhere else. But to me it still feels like our time here was impactful enough to earn Granada the title of a second home. So yes, in 12 days I'll be going home, but in 12 days I'll also be leaving home. I'll have to deal with the same jet lag I dealt with coming to Spain, with the same cultural adjustments, and the same schedule adjustments, but this time, I have no idea when I'll be coming back. Sometimes it was the impending return to the United States that kept me motivated to stay in the moment and take advantage of every second. When my plane touches down in JFK in 12 days, I'll be staying indefinitely. Going with no return in sight is difficult, even when you're going home.


Semester Spain