Get Ready for a Lot of Walking. A LOT.

Katie Takemoto University of Glasgow, Scotland


October 4, 2019
Currently Studying at: University of Glasgow, Scotland
Homeschool: Chapman University

So before I came to Scotland, I spent the entire summer working on my strength building, going to the gym 6 days a you can say I’m in decent shape. The first few days after arriving in Edinburgh however, my legs were SO SORE. I don’t know if it is because of the long days and the amount of walking, or the fact that everything is either uphill or on stairs, but my legs were definitely feeling it in the first few days. If you are ever expecting to come to Scotland, this is why I cannot stress enough the importance of having good shoes. A lot of girls wore casual tennis shoes such as Adidas, vans, etc. I was very happy that I had purchased a pair of Doc Martens before coming. They provided a lot of support for all the walking while also being waterproof. The biggest thing though was for when it rained, going downhill was scary and something where you definitely need to have good traction on your shoes. I’m a naturally clumsy person, and I am so happy to report that I have not fallen once...yet.

So all in all, make sure that you are prepared for all the walking before coming here. Once we got to Glasgow after staying in Edinburgh for a few days, there was still the same amount if not more walking. Everyday to campus(depending on where you’re staying), it is an uphill walk that may or may not include stairs(I try to avoid them at all costs). My dad was asking if there’s a bus or something we can take, but I told him, "No, everyone just walks to school here." That said, I do find myself enjoying it. It is a nice change that gives me a better perspective on the very, very short walk to my campus I will be doing in the spring. It also keeps me in better shape, because even if I am unable to make it to the gym I know that I am able to get a walk in every day. I also find different ways to occupy my time on the way there, whether it is listening to music, an audiobook or even a podcast.

But anyway:)

That’s all:)



Scotland Semester