First Impressions of London

Alysa Tarrant King's College London, England


January 7, 2018

Two plane rides and three nights in a hotel later and I am finally moved in to my accommodation for the next five months. Tomorrow will begin the orientation for King’s College and in just a short week I will be preparing to begin classes. What a wild ride these past few days have been! Never having lived in a big city before, I was unsure whether or not I would like the London atmosphere but it’s been incredible so far. London is such a diverse city and I find it amazing to be able to walk around and see so many different people speaking so many languages. I’ve also become quite fond of the food – or I should say: I’ve become fond of London’s understanding of veganism. For the first time in my life I’ve stopped checking the menu before going out to a restaurant, because thus far, every restaurant to which I have been has had vegan options – you read that correctly, multiple options! So far, I have enjoyed an amazing noodle dish at Wagamamas, feasted on a sweet potato burger at Nandos, eaten a very good eggplant curry at a restaurant above a bar, and been served a yummy brunch with a lot of delicious mushrooms.

After all this amazing food how am I supposed to cook for myself? The flat in which I’m living, features a large single with a personal bathroom. My three flat mates and I share a kitchen, though I have yet to actually use it. Bread and peanut butter have been my go to meal these past few days when not eating out. It’s definitely time for a change says my wallet. My flat is a short walk from a couple of grocery stores and I’ve been very happy with the selection of foods. I purchased a block of tofu (without driving to a natural foods store?!), some pasta, and marinara sauce the other day and plan on replacing my bread and peanut butter with something a little more substantial tomorrow.

As the week begins and orientation events commence, I’m beginning to learn my way around the city, wandering and exploring different land marks and of course – pubs! Going to England and not going to a pub was never an option for me. With a group of friends, I’ve been able to see a few pubs, all with lovely names such as the John Snow (not that one) or Milk and Honey (which has to be the most unlikely pub name ever). It’s been great fun to be able to explore the city and I feel as if the advice that people give about just getting lost to discover some of the best places really is true. I’m sure that the next few months will be full of adventure and surprises – visit to keep up to date with where in the world I’ll be next!