Fiesta Time

Brenda Khor Arcadia in Barcelona, Spain


March 8, 2015

This week, school was fine. I had another academic field study but this time, it was for my documentary photography class. I went to a town called, Sabadell. It's forty-five minutes away from Barcelona by train. A lot of people do not go there for a tourist place because there is basically nothing to do there, but that´s exactly the reason why we went. The mission for the trip was to understand the meaning of what is going on in a background that we usually wouldn't take. It was pretty interesting to see that something that I wouldn't have normally taken be something so beautiful in itself.

Also, this weekend, I went to Abroadfest 2015. It was so much fun! It is a weekend of all study abroad students to come together at one place and celebrate the beauty of studying abroad. There was a lot of pop music, awesome DJs and amazing food. This week was tiring but I had a spectacular time. Next week, I will be getting many hours of sleep.