Fall Break Champion

Maurice Scott University of New South Wales, Australia


April 4, 2016

During fall break, I decided to stay around campus because I was preparing for the last championship race of my rowing season. It really turned out well because most of my close friends also stayed, so we went out for dinner on Easter which helped me get through the holiday.

During the holidays, I find that you really connect with people who are also away from home so you try to find the closest feeling to family. Sydney was pretty busy during Easter, especially around dinner time because many families go out for dinner on this day and later that night go clubbing because that Monday is also considered a holiday following Easter Sunday. My decision to stay really paid off because the following weekend I won the rowing championships for my division and it was the greatest feeling in the world. The race came down to .66 of a second which was the closest race I have ever had in my rowing career. I am officially part of a title holder in the division and it feels good to know my name is now in the books. I ended up finishing the championship weekend with a gold and silver medal to add to my collection. I couldn't be more proud to represent the University of New South Wales and it has sparked my passion to continue to strive for the next level.

When you are away from family you should find something you love doing and do it with other people. This experience has been far too good for me and I am ready to see where this takes me.