Dragons, Appreciation, and My Forever Home

Maddie Oslejsek Royal Holloway University of London, England


April 29, 2016

On the 23rd of April, I took a little break from the many hours of revising final projects and essays to celebrate Saint George’s Day! If you aren’t too sure what that is, it is a day that commemorates England's patron saint, Saint George. Because Saint George, who folklore says killed a dragon and saved a princess during his time as a soldier in the Roman army (what a legend, am I right?!), died on this day, it is considered the national day of England!

In honour of this amazing day, I thought I would create an England appreciation post! I have included photos of some of my favourite places that make England my forever home.

I hope you enjoy the photos, and I will be back next week with a more detailed post of some of the things I have been up to! Just need to get through this final dance performance first! I will give you a little teaser though about what this dance piece is about: it’s a social commentary on gender and sexuality!

Should be really great, as I am working with a wonderful and dedicated group of people, who also happen to be close friends of mine!

TTFN loves.


