Crazy Times

Jillian Arenson University of Westminster, England


March 3, 2015

After a few crazy weeks with school work, things are finally starting to settle down! The education system here versus back home is very different. For the majority of classes here in London we are graded on two assignments (if we are lucky). For me, each one of my classes has either a research paper or seminar report that is anywhere from 30 - 50% of my final grade with the other percentage being made up of a final assignment or exam. For me I was not so lucky and have three huge exams coming up. One exam is 70%, one is 60%, and one is 50% of my grade. Due to there being only two grades making up my final grade I have been so focused on school work for the past two weeks. Even though school is my main focus while I am here and I have committed so much time to it, it is good to get out every once in a while and do something fun or just to get outside for some fresh air (especially when your assignments are done and handed in.)

While taking some time away from school work I kept myself busy with the dance team at the University of Westminster. On February 21st we all got on a bus at 5:45 AM from the Marylebone campus and took a three and a half hour bus ride to the north to go to a competition in Nottingham. Even though it was a super long and tiring day we all had so much fun being together and bonding with one another! If it wasn’t for the amazing group of people I have met through the dance society I do not think my experience here would be as amazing as it is.

Once the competition was over the official count down started for the event that I was most excited for while being here! The Backstreet Boys were coming to London for a one night only exclusive showing of their documentary Show Em’ What You’re Made Of and short performance that was being shown across Europe by satellite to other theaters. I was so excited for it! I have been a fan of the Backstreet Boys since I could remember and being able to see my favorite band in my favorite city was an absolute wonderful experience. We got to not only see them perform an entire acoustic set but they sat and watched the movie with us. It really was a great way to celebrate turning in two of my four assignments and getting a break before my other assignments are due and final preparation starts!

Lastly this week I went to my first Rugby game! It was so cool to see it live and share the experience with such great friends as well. When Arcadia sent the trips out for this semester I was not that excited due to having done them all while I was on FYSAE. As I scrolled down I saw the event for the Rugby game and thought I would give it a try, and I am so glad I did. I really enjoyed the game and am hoping to go see another one very soon. It really is a great experience and I am so happy I had the opportunity to go and watch the game.