Catching up to Life & Uni in Oz

Alexis Schwartz James Cook University, Australia


September 15, 2015

I’m studying abroad at James Cook University in Townsville, Queensland, Australia. I’ve been in Townsville for almost two months now. TWO MONTHS. Time doesn’t seem real. While I can’t believe that it has already been two months of living and classes and friends, I have to admit, that plane ride here seems to have been eons ago. Let’s start from the beginning!

I had a rough start. But, it happens. I missed my plane from California to Australia because of a delay from my connection and therefore missed my ride for pick-up with the rest of the group in my program. I was freaking out. It was overwhelming at the least to think that this was just the beginning and it was already going wrong. However, with the amazing people in the program, I was fine. I had no problem meeting them and knowing where to go. Unfortunately, I had another dilemma. My luggage, I found out when I landed in Melbourne, was still in the U.S. I had one of the worst starts to my adventure and studying abroad experience. But! Always remember, starting from the bottom means it can only go up.

And it did of course! We had orientation in Melbourne for about a week where we learned many things about our new home for the next few months; or if you’re me, the next year. We got acquainted with our program liaisons, we ate yummy snacks, we played cute and fun games, we got to roam around the city for a bit. It was really a great way to get acquainted with the country and learn what to expect. Then we were off to our Uni’s. I’m here at JCU with 5 other guys and girls from the program. Unfortunately, the lot of them are only here until the end of next month. *cries internally*

We all settled in pretty quickly. Meeting to go to orientation together and discussing classes we had to see if we had any together. We got tours of campus, we learned about laws specific to Queensland and Townsville as well as Australian laws in general, we heard speeches from important people of the Uni, and we were told of special landmarks and building names on campus. We were given A LOT of information. It may seem like it may be overwhelming, but think of it as freshmen orientation but a little easier and laid back. We bought some bikes, we met some people, we ate some food, and we really just basked in the fact that we made it. We were, and we are, in Australia!

Outside of studying, we went into town and explored around a bit. We went out with some Australians and got a feel for the night life. We went to the beach and got a feel for the day life. We met and made some Australian friends and some other American friends. I’ve met a few Germans, Indians, and Asians. I’ve befriended so many people. I’ve gotten comfortable. And that’s why time doesn’t seem real. It feels like I’ve always been here; it’s familiar. I had a rough start, but I can hardly remember the overwhelming fear and anxiety I felt. It seems like it was just a bad dream, or a joke that was played on me. I’ve settled into my life in Townsville. I’ve gone and enjoyed the Strand (the beach), and Reef HQ (an aquarium of life on the reef(s)), Billabong sanctuary (animal sanctuary), been to a few pubs and clubs, I’ve gone to the night market, and to cultural fest, I’ve hiked and kayaked, eaten kangaroo (numerous times!), I’ve made friends. I’ve settled into my life here and I’m comfortable, and I'm happy.