Cape Town Time

Remy Bessolo University of Cape Town, South Africa


February 26, 2015

The “One Month” mark, energy, adventures, and of course: coffee

It is nearly impossible to describe my current position in time and space. According to a calendar, I left for Cape Town one month ago today. However, there are two opposite poles of thought I find myself in when I think about time here. There are moments when I feel relaxed and content, as if I’ve been living here for several months. On this end, I feel as if I have a world of time left and that I should not be rushing to experience every adventure available. On the other hand, the realization that there are only about 100 days left to make the most of my time here is everything but relaxing. It feels like time is slipping through my fingers at a rate I cannot attempt to slow.

Today I thought to myself “What have I been doing for a month?”. Looking back through my pictures and journal entries reveals that I have indeed done a lot. Everything from camping, to hiking, to cultural events, classes on campus, volunteering, and excursions to famous landmarks and destinations. And a lot of eating. But there are moments when I feel like I have so much more to do with so little time. I try my best to be as present as possible in each moment, but having to say that today is “one month mark” is honestly terrifying.

Although it is unnerving, it motivates me to throw myself wholeheartedly into the culture and way of life here in the Mother City. Cape Town is one of the most gorgeous places I have ever had the chance to explore, and there is an energy here that it not matched anywhere in the world. Having recently emerged into democracy from the apartheid regime, there is this idea of creating a “new” South Africa that is united and strong. To live in a country that has just been reborn in a sense, and is still trying to identify itself, is unlike anything you can find in Europe. The time to experience South Africa is now. I just have to try my best not to worry about that concept of time.

One aspect of life here that I definitely do not have to worry about is the availability of coffee. There is coffee everywhere, so I am living the dream. I have made it my goal to try as many different coffee shops and brands as possible. Even though it has already been a month, I have not even made a considerable dent in the coffee opportunities. So far, my count is up to 10, but there are so many more to try in and around the city. In my experience, prices for a large regular coffee range from R9 (about 78 cents) to R14 (about $1.20). Cappuccinos range from R10 to R24. Because I pay less than half of what I would for anything at home, my relationship with coffee will definitely flourish here!  

The opportunity for adventure is undeniable in Cape Town. Whether it be a hike, an excursion, or simply a spontaneous trip somewhere new, there is always something to do. Check out pictures (above) from some of my favorite adventures so far!

Thanks for reading!

