Big Adventures and Little Moments

Devin Adams National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland


March 3, 2020
Currently studying at: National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland
Homeschool: Penn State University

I’ve been sitting on this bus for the past at least 30 minutes trying to come up with a good way to start this post, but I’ve got nothing. So alas, I’ll just jump right into the adventures of the past month. 

In the middle of February, I took a solo trip to Exeter, England, and met my all-time favorite author Angie Sage for lunch. It was probably one of the most amazing days of my life, and I still can barely wrap my head around the fact that it happened. I was going to write an entire post about it, but it was so special and incredible, I just don’t think my words can express it. Solo travel is an experience everyone should take at least once, and I am so beyond lucky that my favorite author is one of the most genuine, kind, amazing people I have ever been lucky enough to meet. Exeter too was pretty cool, but I am certain meeting Angie Sage was the highlight, and incredible isn’t a strong enough word to describe it. 

That experience in itself was fantastic, but there have been so many other amazing moments. My roommates and I took a trip to the Ring of Kerry and saw some of the most beautiful scenery and nature including cliffs, rolling green fields, and a waterfall. And this weekend, I took a trip to Belfast with two of my friends, where we visited the Titanic museum, saw the Peace Wall, took a walking tour of Belfast, and had an Arcadia excursion to the Antrim Coast. The Titanic museum is something I have wanted to see for pretty much my entire life, which made seeing it even more special. Walking along the Peace Wall and learning more about the history of Belfast was equal parts surreal and also a bit sad, given all the history there. The Antrim Coast was beautiful. This weekend was educational, humbling, and beautiful and getting to share the experiences I had this weekend in Belfast and on the coast with my new friends was really incredible. 

My weekends have been packed with adventures, so my weeks have been full of little moments, studying, and continuing to fall into a routine in Galway. I’ll go for runs in the morning, go to my classes during the day, and use my evenings to settle down with some work or go grab a pint with friends. It’s these little things I love too, like my weekly lunches with one of the friends I met at NUIG orientation, or trips to the Galway farmer’s market with one of my roommates, or a gorgeous run along the river. 

Parkrun has continued to be one of my favorite things in Galway. Every Saturday morning that I’m in Galway, I head over and it is such a fun event. It’s been a great way to meet locals and judge my fitness levels each week. This upcoming Saturday will be my first parkrun in three weeks since I have been away the past three Saturdays, and I am so excited. 

Galway feels like home to me, and I love that. I love walking into town at night with friends or my roommate to get Gelato or drinks and feeling like everything is familiar. I love getting back to the Galway Coach Station after a weekend away and feeling like I am coming home. 

I have more adventures in store over the next few months, and things are starting to fall into place as well for the summer and fall once I am home. Right now though, as I sit on this bus, I’m just excited to get back to Galway tonight and walk the familiar way through the city, across campus, and into Corrib Village to my apartment.