Beach Thoughts

Maurice Scott University of New South Wales, Australia


October 28, 2015

As I take my normal 4-5 mile run, midway I stop at the beach to collect and analyze my thoughts. As the end of the semester is here, it feels good to have overcome a new education system. With only about 3-4 assignments for each class throughout the year, the pressure is put on you especially for the final assignments. Typically, they are worth 50-60% percent of the grade, which is something I definitely was not used to.

I approached this semester differently as I got early starts on work weeks in advance. I felt that was the best way to manage the work especially at the end of the year when most of the big assignments are due. For me, I don't like to be stressed writing a paper thats due the next day. Especially here where they are the determination if you pass or fail the class. So, I gave myself about a 2 week period before the due date in order to get it done. This has worked out for me because I just knocked out the word count little by little until the paper was complete.

As this semester comes to an end, I feel like I gained better skills in studying and managing my time with the Australian education system along with rowing, and I plan on bringing that into my next semester here in Australia.