Autumn, Pumpkin Carving Lessons, and Cupcakes

Maddie Oslejsek Royal Holloway University of London, England


November 2, 2015

Though autumn has always been my favorite time of year with the dashes of orange and yellow covering the pavement, scarves and jumpers becoming an everyday staple, and pumpkin flavoring being added to everything, I can definitely say that this season in England is better than I have ever experienced it. With October now behind us and November in full swing, I thought I would tell you a bit about what I have been up to before plunging into the next chapter of my journey.

One of the many things I was looking forward to when I discovered I would be spending a year abroad was spending the holidays in this beautiful country. Spending Halloween - my favorite holiday other than Christmas - with my flatmates and new friends was an absolute blast. Beth, my flatmate, had never been to a pumpkin patch before, so we took a quick train ride to Addlestone to change that right away. Choosing the pumpkins was the easy part, but the carving is a whole different story…

See, the carving kit that was available for purchase at the pumpkin patch was a fiver, and what student has £5 to just throw away? So, we just went old school and used plain ol’ knives and spoons to do our carving. If you have never tried this, I do recommend it as it really works on your skill of patience. I’d say we earned an A plus for effort, and maybe a C for execution.

Luckily, our baking skills are much more advanced than our carving skills! Beth and I, with a little help from Pinterest, made the cutest tombstone cupcakes ever! They are definitely blog-worthy, so I’ll be sure to attach a photo. The only problem we ever have when it comes to baking is that all of the recipes I have use cups as the measurement, so we always have to convert it.

All in all, this autumn season has been a wonderful experience that I wouldn’t want to have shared with anyone else or in any other place.