Adventures in Scotland: The Beginning

Melissa Thompson University of Aberdeen, Scotland


January 20, 2016

To my mind, the greatest reward and luxury of travel is to be able to experience everyday things as if for the first time, to be in a position in which almost nothing is so familiar it is taken for granted” – Bill Bryson

When I first started getting ready to leave for my journey to my semester abroad in Scotland, I was absolutely terrified and overwhelmed. After all, I had no idea what to expect, much less what to pack! And yet, I’ve been ready to start this great adventure in Scotland since I decided in August that I wanted to study at the University of Aberdeen. I chose the University of Aberdeen because of its wonderful location along the eastern coast of Scotland. As an English literature and History major, Scotland caught my attention and captured my heart with its richness in history and the great contributors to the written word such as Robert Burns and Sir Walter Scott. Plus, I’d always imagined it as a place straight out of the pages of a fairy-tale with all its castles and the breath taking landscapes of the Highlands.

And so with just a suitcase and small carry-on in hand, I said my good-byes to all the comforts of home including my family, friends and the warm Texas weather (yes, it’s warm even in the winter) and stepped onto the plane that would take me to Scotland, my new home for the next few months. Though terrified of not knowing what to expect, I was also thrilled at my new adventure and possibilities that lay before me. So when I first stepped out of the airport and began the first steps of my journey in Edinburgh for orientation, I felt ready to start my new adventure in Scotland!

I spent the first few days in Scotland at orientation for Arcadia University in Edinburgh where I learned more about this wonderful country that I will be calling home for the next few months. Afterwards, we stayed with a Scottish homestay in Stirling which was a great way to experience the Scottish culture firsthand. My homestay family were very welcoming and introduced me to different Scottish foods and the Scottish way of life (including their great sense of humor!). While in Stirling, I got to climb the 246 steps of the William Wallace monument to the very top to see a grand view of all of Stirling. I also got to tour the Stirling Castle which was absolutely breath-taking! It was like taking a step back into the past and it gave me a glimpse into what it must have been like to live in Scotland so many years ago.

Finally, after my incredible adventures in Edinburgh and Stirling, I made my journey into Aberdeen and to the University of Aberdeen where I will be studying at for the semester. Since I had one week before classes started, I explored the Silver City with my new friends where I discovered the stunning beach, amazing shopping places, and the gorgeous campus where I’ll be taking classes. While in Aberdeen, I’ve learned a few Doric phrases (Doric is a Scottish dialect, specifically around Aberdeenshire), met students from all over the world and began classes this past week as an official University of Aberdeen student.

So in summary, Scotland has far exceeded any expectations I had when I first began my journey. It has been such an amazing adventure so far, and it’s only just the beginning! I’m so excited and grateful for such an amazing opportunity!

Until next time!
