Adventure is out there!

Olivia Mill University of Aberdeen, Scotland


April 6, 2016

Before spring break, I got the chance to visit a couple of very beautiful places close to Aberdeen. The first was Fyvie Castle. My friends and I decided we wanted to go for a hike or nice walk somewhere, so we looked up different places to go close by. We chose Fyvie Castle, which is about 45 min away from Aberdeen. The castle itself wasn’t open, but it was still gorgeous, and we loved the walk there. We made our way through the forest to a small lake. The lake path led to the castle, which we walked all the way around, and even looked in the gardens. This castle would be an amazing place to go for a picnic during the summer when the weather is nice! It was a good close place to go explore for an afternoon.

My roommate from my home university came to visit me for her Easter Break, so we also did quite a lot of exploring. One of the days we were in Aberdeen, we took a bus up to Peterhead and Cruden Bay. It was easy enough, but the busses were very unreliable. I would warn against that if one doesn’t have a car, but otherwise, it would be very easy to get there. I think it made a wonderful day trip!

We started in Peterhead, which was a cute little town, and got lunch at a teashop. There wasn’t all that much to see there, but it was nice to see more of the area. It was still very cold at the beach in Cruden Bay, but it was bearable. My favorite part of the day, though, was trekking across the hills to New Slains Castle. There was definitely a better way to go than the way we went, but we felt like real adventurers finding our way to the castle without a map or gps. The castle was built in the 1800s and abandoned in the early 20th century. It is one of the few ruin sites in Scotland that Historic Scotland has chosen not to keep up for whatever reason. But that made it even a little bit cooler to explore. The grass was unmown, and it was really awesome to see nature taking over. I can’t wait to show my parents this fantastic site!