About my internship

Jordan Mcintyre Edinburgh Internship Program, Scotland


February 11, 2016

I’m currently participating in Arcadia’s Edinburgh Internship Program. To tell you a little bit more about what I’m doing here, I’ll break down my schedule for you: Monday and Tuesday I have class at Edinburgh Napier University, and Wednesday and Thursday I have my internship from 9-5.

My internship is with a bakery called Breadshare. Now, I know what you’re thinking-what is a Global Media major doing interning at a bakery? Well, Breadshare is not your average bakery. They are a social enterprise committed to community engagement and the use of organic and locally grown ingredients. They are trying to spread the word across Edinburgh about their affordable, organically certified breads. That’s where I come in. I’ve been working on various multimedia projects for Breadshare, including designing a magazine advertisement, creating a leaflet for their sandwich delivery service, and I’m in the process of helping my boss create a video pitch to gain funding for the bakery. It’s been great to get so much hands-on experience and to build my portfolio. Plus, the perks of working in a bakery are that you get to sample all the goods! Normally throughout the day my bosses will give me something to snack on, whether it be scones, soup, or sandwiches. Since their mission also includes not letting any food go to waste, often times I get to bring home some of the bread that hasn’t sold that day. So far I’ve tried a fruit and nut bread, a seeded sourdough, and an olive and pumpkin seed loaf. I’m a very lucky girl!