A Whirlwind Trip to Europe

Rebecca Sather Jenkins University of Edinburgh, Scotland


April 20, 2017
Why do you go away? So that you can come back. So that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colors. And the people there see you differently, too. Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving." - Terry Pratchett

I’ve just arrived back in Edinburgh after the most amazing ten days spent in Europe. I visited Berlin, Copenhagen, Brussels, Bruges and Paris (including a little trip to Monet’s Garden at Giverny also).

Traveling solo is new to me, I’ve always been good at spending time by myself and enjoying my own company, but to do so for ten days, in foreign cities, was an exhausting experience (but still a positive one). By the time I arrived back in Edinburgh though, I was so excited to be back. I had an incredible time exploring these cities, all but Paris I had never visited so it was great to find new favorite places to visit.

I think the highlight of my trip was visiting Bruges, which had been on my travel wish-list for quite some time. I would best describe it as a cross between Venice and Bavaria, lots of cobblestone streets and old buildings, and lovely canals to stroll beside while you’re out adventuring. I climbed up the 366 steps to the top of the Belfry in the city square, and the view was incredible. Definitely a must-see in the city.

Although it was exhausting and now I have sore feet and have been sleeping twelve hours a night to catch up on rest, it was an amazing experience and I learned a lot about myself by traveling solo for ten days. Now I know that even when it’s dark, and I don’t speak the language, I can still navigate my way around a foreign city, and that makes me feel pretty good.


Scotland Semester Travel