A Quick Stop in Copenhagen

Margaret Chelsvig University of Edinburgh, Scotland


May 1, 2015

My final trip abroad was a short stay in Copenhagen! I can’t believe that I’m done with my travels and I’m studying for final exams. Speaking of final exams- I just took one on the 29th! I could not be more pleased to have wrapped up Social Christianity in Germany, the UK, and the US from 1848-1930. I thought the class was interesting, but it was the most stressful final! Final exams in Edinburgh are spread out over the course of a month. At my home school, we have finals over four days! I still have two more finals, one on May 7th and one on May 20th.

Anyways, Copenhagen! I was very excited to visit Scandinavia, and Copenhagen fulfilled all expectations. We were in Copenhagen for just two and a half days, but it was a blast. The first night we walked around where we were staying and just appreciated the city. We grabbed dinner after getting lost, finding wifi, and getting back to our place. The struggle for wifi is a real one.

The next day we walked to the Little Mermaid, which was quite little indeed. After we walked along the Copenhagen harbor past Amalienborg Palace, which serves as the winter home for the Danish royal family. Speaking of royal families- the queen of Denmark is named Margrethe II (like me!) and Princess Catherine is due to have her baby any day and Scotland is buzzing with anticipation. We then kept walking until we bumped into Copenhagen’s Nyhavn. The colorful houses and old ships looked just like a postcard. It was bustling with tourists taking photos (like me) and locals enjoying lunch. We wandered the streets of Copenhagen looking for lunch before settling on a delicious sandwich place. We walked up and down Strøget, which is a shopping street, before heading to Tivoli Gardens. Tivoli Gardens are not actually gardens but rather an amusement park that served as Walt Disney’s inspiration for Disneyworld. I love amusement parks and Tivoli was not a disappointment. The grounds were beautiful, the rides were fun, and there were shows throughout the evening (ballet, a rock concert, and a light show).

For our final day in Copenhagen we went in search of delicious cinnamon rolls for breakfast before heading to Church of our Saviour, where we climbed to its top to take in the view over Copenhagen. It was very foggy, but the view was still neat. We walked around Christiana, a cool neighborhood in Copenhagen before going to Christiansborg Palace. I really enjoyed this palace tour! We had to wear blue shoe covers, which made me feel rather silly, but it was a beautiful palace with interesting history. I admit that I kept thinking of the movie “The Prince & Me” during the tour. We unsuccessfully tried to visit another palace but it was closed and a museum which was also closed. Sunday nights can be tricky when sightseeing!

Despite the subpar weather and short stay, I really liked Copenhagen and would love to return in the future. Upon our return, I resolved to a day of Netflix before studying for finals!

Looking ahead: Final Exams and hopefully a trip to the Isle of Skye.


Scotland Travel