A Menace in Venice (ba-dum-tis... Get it?)

Lauren Young London, England


January 9, 2015

Where to even start with the city of canals, mystery, and a labyrinth of streets with frequently repeating names. Unlike anywhere I’d ever been before, Venice was far from what I expected. Upon our arrival we took a water taxi to our hotel (yeah, their taxies are boats) and were greeted at the side entrance of our hotel which sat directly on the canal. The seafood was amazing. The collection of islands making up Venice were outstandingly beautiful and all home to their own little piece of venetian culture. 

While there we came across mass amounts of masks in all different shapes and sizes. Becoming curious, I of course turned to google to answer my many questions. Turns out, Venetians used to wear masks in order to hide their identities. A common maid could be mistaken for a dignitary while out in public. It allowed for a lack of seperation and prejudice among classes as well as a lot of gambling and other sinful behaviour without consequences. Eventually the catholic church banned the masks and now they’re worn once a year on a carnival holiday where everyone wears fancy dress and even fancier masks. Cool huh?

Almost everywhere in this beautiful city looked like the cover of a postcard and if you’re ever in venice, let me know. Any excuse to go back is one I’m willing to take.

P.S. Try the limoncello, trust me.

P.P.S. They really like their pigeons here and often times feed them to make them more tame. For some reason the tourists seem to like this, I'm not exactly sure what the appeal of the pigeons is but remember don't be afraid because they can smell fear.