A Land Journey

Ellen W. Christchurch, New Zealand


October 8, 2013

This panorama is from a marvelous weekend I spent with my "Land Journeys and Ethics" class in Craigieburn Forest Park a few weekends ago. Before we left for the trip, I kept referring to it as my "Redemption Weekend" or "Craigieburn Part II: Electric Boogaloo" - See my first post where I got lost!

Friday night, we got dropped off in small groups and "bushwhacked" our way with only a compass and a bearing to our unmarked campsite. What an adventure! It was such a cool experience. We had remarkably gorgeous weather on Saturday and a little bit of snow on Sunday. We spent the weekend mostly working with compasses but also covering some skills like emergency fire lighting and shelter building. We also talked a lot about the ethics of "Leave No Trace."


New Zealand