A Day in the Life of an Aberdeen Student

Melissa Thompson University of Aberdeen, Scotland


February 7, 2016

So what is it like to be a student at the University of Aberdeen? First of all, it’s absolutely awesome! My classes here are all really great and so interesting! I’m taking four classes including two history courses with one about Vikings and another one on the Renaissance, a Celtic literature class and a linguistics course. Classes are structured with lectures twice a week per class and a tutorial for each class once a week. A tutorial is like a small discussion group that is a reflection of the lecture that week and led by a tutor. Lectures are taught by the professors and are in a much larger group setting. The professors I have are absolutely brilliant and really care about their students. It is a very independent learning environment with just one essay due mid semester and an examination at the end of the semester for all my classes.

I’m living in a residence hall which is a great way to meet other students. I have my own room and bathroom which is so nice! My residence hall is conveniently located in the center of campus and near almost everything including the library, Starbucks and the buildings where I have my tutorials and lectures. I’m also only about a twenty minute walk to the main center of Aberdeen and a fifteen minute walk to the beach.

The students that I’ve met here are all very welcoming and friendly. If you’re ever lost, you can ask any student and they are always more than happy to help you out. Trust me, I know from experience here! I’ve met students from all over the UK as well as from all over the world. It’s really interesting to hear different perspectives about things and learn about new cultures.

There are so many societies (which are the same thing as clubs) here that there’s surely something for everyone. I haven’t decided on one yet because there are so many that I would love to join! There is everything from various sports clubs to societies relating to your major or even the tea, coffee and cake society (yum!).

There are a variety of restaurants all over with everything ranging from Italian and American foods to traditional Scottish food. Or if you enjoy cooking on your own, there are also plenty of grocery stores everywhere. There is always something to do (besides studying for classes, of course!) with everything from movie theaters and museums to shopping malls and the beach. Just walking down Union Street (a main street in the city center) is a sight itself with such amazing architecture.

Until next time!
