A Beautiful Breakfast

Bentley Kandel University of Glasgow, Scotland


January 7, 2020
Currently studying at: University of Glasgow, Scotland
Homeschool: Chapman University

Today was my first full day in Edinburgh, and it could not have been better. I woke up in the morning to the sun filling the room, and I was more awake than ever. I was nervous to meet the other study abroad students during orientation later in the day, but my fears quickly vanished. The moment I stepped foot outside the hotel, I spotted a girl I knew, Emma, from my home university! I could not have been happier to see a familiar face in a foreign country. She was with another study abroad student, Elise, and had just landed in Scotland. We all walked along the cobblestone sidewalks and admired the nice weather and beautiful historic architecture. Each building looked like it could have been in a museum. We searched for a cute spot for breakfast and were not disappointed. There were cafes and food spots at every turn.

My friends had been on a plane for hours and were famished, so we stopped at the first café we saw. It was called Café Cockburn, and it was a lovely place nestled in between two furniture stores. Inside looked like a holiday movie. There were lights strung on the stairs and elegant decorations everywhere. The waitress was kind and didn’t treat us differently, even though I’m sure we seemed lost and confused. The food was incredible! I ordered a smoked salmon bagel with cream cheese and a pot of green tea. The salmon almost melted in my mouth, and the tea was light and warmed me up. One thing I have noticed in the UK is the tea is immensely better quality than in the US. Even the free tea in my hotel room tastes fresh and leaves a nice taste in my mouth and a warm feeling in my stomach. I haven’t had tea the right way in the UK yet, with milk and sugar, but I will definitely need to try it.

The café was the best start to the day I could have asked for, and I made two great friends because of it. We plan on trying new breakfast places while we are here and exploring more of Edinburgh before we leave to go to the University of Glasgow in two days.


Semester Scotland