A 15 That’s Worth It

Ifetayo Kitwala Arcadia in Rome, Italy


February 25, 2019
Currently Studying at: Arcadia in Rome, Italy
Homeschool: Temple University

So. Much. Food. On every corner, there is a gelateria, a pizzeria or maybe even a McDonald’s. I will say, though, that I have never once craved hot sauce more than I have while I’ve been here. Living in Garbatella, I have the opportunity to visit homey places. I can go to a family owned pizzeria or a restaurant with only 3 types of pasta and the owner does not speak a lick of English, but it usually turns out to be the best pasta I’ve ever had (Although, I have said that many times on this trip so far, so I am convinced I just like all food).

This weekend, I traveled to Florence for a few days to see what it was like in the north of the country. Chloe, one of my roommates from South Carolina, is truly gifted with the ability to research ‘The Fork’ and Trip Advisor for all the must-sees and must-haves of the city we decide to hang out in for the day. She makes the reservations and makes sure we have the best seat in the house. She found a wonderful place called Cantinetta Allegri (highly recommend), and she made a reservation for six of us at 7:30. While we are there and browsing the menu, Chloe points out a 1.5 kg T-Bone steak in the famous Florence rub and type of meat. Keeping in mind that this has been on our bucket list, we were still hesitant because it was 63 Euros for one piece of steak. Possibly sensing this, the waiter came over and explained to the preparation and cooking of the meat and that it was truly a shared dining experience. We look at each other, smile and say “Let’s do it!” and high-five. We were very excited. When the steak came, it was overwhelmingly big but completely and utterly worth the euro and gain of 15 pounds (we got a side of potatoes and a liter of wine with it). The waiter was very excited to talk about this piece of steak as if it was a piece of art, which many things are to the people here. Attempting to slowly finish, I got to notice the decals on the wall, which included legs of Wild Boar, fur, and photos from the first opening of the restaurant, assuming it was a while ago. It was an incredible experience that my pockets and my intestines regretted at moments, luckily that didn’t last too long once I got passion fruit gelato for dessert.

Now, I know I shouldn’t be writing a Yelp review here, but I told that story because I realized then how important one’s food exploration is, along with their physical. My roommate, Chloe, and I go to the grocery store every Monday night and experience something different every single time; how thin the meat is sliced, the flavors behind what you think is a regular marinara sauce, the difference between Italian and American produce. We buy our groceries throughout the week and attempt to find a hidden gem on the weekends. I have met so many interesting people because of the food spots that we have found, especially when we go at 8 pm, which is way too early to eat for anyone who lives here. Since I’ve been here, I have tried 7 different gelato places, 4 types of calamari and a colorful array of drinks that just sounded good (even if they didn’t taste good).

The food here is like individual stories that allow you to understand where and who one comes from, it deepens my appreciation and my horrible experience makes me even more aware about what I am eating and why. I came abroad was to have an authentic immersion of culture, and what better way to do it through consumption. A word of advice: even if you can’t fit any of your jeans by May, the handmade cannoli was worth it.