50 Days and Counting

Samantha Wright Bond University, Australia


July 13, 2015

Every day is a little bit closer to Australia! Only 50 more days until my flight leaves Newark, and I can’t wait! I can’t wait to see the Bond University campus, from the pictures online, it (and the area in general) is beautiful. I’m very excited for the classes that I’m planning on taking. I won’t find out what I have been enrolled in until I get to Australia, but I can tell you what classes I selected as preferred and alternates.

A list of the courses I signed up for. I can’t wait to find out what I’ll be taking!

I’m really excited to be able to take courses there that I wouldn’t be able to take at Arcadia. It’ll be a great experience for me when I get a job. One of the things I’m most excited for is being able to take photographs while I’m in Australia. I have a Cannon Rebel T5 that I will definitely be taking with me to Australia and using to its full advantage.

I guess that’s it for now. The packing has not yet begun (AKA: clean my room before I can bring my new suitcase in to even begin packing), so I’ll post again when I talk about what I’m planning on packing, and why!

See you then,
