136 Days in Edinburgh

Kara McGeehan University of Edinburgh, Scotland


May 28, 2019
Kara Mcgeehan, Student Blogger, University of Edinburgh, Scotland.

136 days in Edinburgh, Scotland have come and gone faster than I ever imagined. I had many ups and downs throughout the semester, but I would not have changed it at all. Throughout the semester, I took short videos and compiled them into a “One Second a Day” video to commemorate my time abroad. Making these videos allowed me to look back on my outstanding semester and remember all the adventures I was lucky enough to embark on.


Studying abroad has allowed me to flourish as an individual, become more independent and confident, and gave me the opportunity to explore the world. I was lucky enough to have an incredible support system back home during this semester. Without support from my Mom, Dad, sister, and friends, I probably would not have been able to study abroad for a full five-month semester.

During my semester, I studied at the University of Edinburgh. I was able to take three amazing courses, Marketing, Social Anthropology, and Archaeology in Action. I took two courses for my minor (Social Anthropology, and Archaeology in Action), and one elective (Marketing). Marketing was my favorite course because I was able to expand my knowledge in a subject that I have not studied before.

I was also lucky to have traveled to six countries: England, Ireland, Sweden, Austria, Belgium, and France. I did a fair share of traveling around Scotland as well. Some of my favorite places that I visited in Scotland were the Isle of Arran and Isle of Skye, as well as all of the various places in the Highlands that I visited. When I visited the Isle of Arran, we were lucky to have amazing weather follow us, the sun was shining, and the temperature was not that cold. When visiting the Isle of Skye, my family and I had a tour guide drive us around the island to show us beautiful views, learn about the island history and just have a grand time.

Being able to study abroad for a semester is truly indescribable. You learn so much about yourself while exploring a place that comes to feel like a home away from home. I am really grateful to have had the opportunity to study abroad at the University of Edinburgh, and I highly recommend for students to consider the idea of taking a semester abroad. Saying “See you later” to Edinburgh was bitter-sweet, but it was a journey of a lifetime.