In Defense of Alone Time

Kate Jock February 13, 2019

Currently Studying: Edinburgh Internship Program, Scotland Homeschool: Arcadia University I quite missed the UK. Having arrived just a few short weeks ago in the Scottish capital, a city I’d never visited during my first semester abroad, I found myself… More

Home is Behind, the World Ahead

Liesel Rutland February 13, 2019

Currently Studying at: University of Otago, New Zealand Homeschool: Wofford College I am currently sitting at the gate in the Charlotte Airport. By the end of this blog, I will finish writing this blog from my six-hour layover in Houston. My flight… More

To Pack, or Not to Pack

Sydney Parks February 11, 2019

Currently Studying at: Arcadia in Greece, Greece Homeschool: Beloit College T-minus-four days until I leave the U.S. for four months in Greece. Months of preparing have gone into this moment, but there’s one last thing I need to do before I head for… More

On Our Way Up

Sydney Parks February 11, 2019

Currently Studying at: Arcadia in Greece, Greece Homeschool: Beloit College It is the first full day of orientation, and they just pointed out a small mountain in the distance with a church at the top– Mt. Lycabettus. They gave us some maps, took our… More

The Night The Pyramid's Meaning Changed

Ifetayo Kitwala February 8, 2019

Currently Studying at: Arcadia in Rome, Italy Homeschool: Temple University Here we are. We made it to Garbatella, Rome. Just to catch you up, here is what my first experience here looked like: turbulence for 7 hours from New York to Madrid, 10 hours… More

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