Time is a Fickle Friend

Jennifer Khawam September 14, 2015

This is it. My final week of being home has finally come. There are only a handful of days left before my feet are no longer on the same ground they’ve been on for most of the past 20 years of my life. Although they’re a bit worried about tripping on… More

A Graceful Introduction to Scotland

Gaelen McCartney September 13, 2015

So one thing I didn’t tell you in my last post, is that when I made it through the airport in Edinburgh and onto the airport bus, I saw a student sitting in the back with an Arcadia Study Abroad folder. So being who I am, I sat right next to him and started… More

My Understanding of Being Abroad

Tatiana Redden September 10, 2015

Last week I stumbled upon a quote by William Shakespeare, “Expectation is the root of all heartache.” Hence this week, I have spent some time thinking and reflecting on my experience. In the sense of how I view it, what others have asked, how they view… More

Crying into Carry-Ons and Sleeping in Armchairs

Jordan Mcintyre September 10, 2015

The time is 3:30AM. I’ve stayed up all night to ensure that I’ll be able to catch the shuttle to the airport without oversleeping. All of the sudden I get a text from my dad saying “Looks like your flight has been cancelled…on the phone now.” My shuttle… More

It's worth it

Julian Callin September 3, 2015

Halfway through the semester! The first week of my mid-semester break is coming to an end, and so far I’ve done…nothing. I have, however, got some well-needed rest. After kayaking last weekend and my 21st birthday (which doesn’t mean much in a country… More

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