(Not) Alone

Rebecca Sohn February 4, 2018

I have a strange relationship with being alone. Growing up with a twin sister, I was never truly on my own. At the same time, I have always been introverted, and spending time by myself is not only something I enjoy but something I couldn't get by without… More

Mi Familia Chilena

Megan Anger June 19, 2017

My favorite part of studying abroad here in Chile has been living with a host family. I live with my host mom, Paty, who is so kind and understanding. She’s hosted international students for years now so she’s been great at making me feel welcomed in… More

Six Weeks, Six New Adventures

JayLeen Murray February 21, 2017

It feels like just yesterday I just landed in the Dublin airport, a little delusional and confused, walking through customs. Six weeks later and as settled into my new home as I’m going to get, it’s starting to sink in just how quickly time is passing… More

A Home Away From Home

Erin Scanlan February 14, 2017

One of the many great things about the Arcadia program in Ireland is that you get to stay with an Irish family for a weekend, which is called a homestay.  It was one of the things I was most looking forward to during my time in Ireland, and I was not… More

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