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Having my Owen Wilson "Wow" Moments

Currently Studying at: Arcadia in Greece, Greece Homeschool: Arcadia University Firstly, I would like everyone to know… More

Jack Taylor Arcadia in Greece, Greece

Having my Owen Wilson "Wow" Moments

Jack Taylor February 3, 2020

Currently Studying at: Arcadia in Greece, Greece Homeschool: Arcadia University Firstly, I would like everyone to know that while my flight from Philly to Chicago to London to Athens was painfully twenty hours long, I was blessed with not one, not two… More

Oh, The Places You'll Go...

Sydney Parks May 7, 2019

Currently Studying at: Arcadia in Greece, Greece Homeschool: Beloit College Oh man, I haven’t written anything in over a month! To be honest so much has been happening that it’s been hard to find the time to sit down and write. Let’s see... I’ve… More

θα θέλα ενά…

Sydney Parks March 18, 2019

Currently Studying at: Arcadia in Greece, Greece Homeschool: Beloit College “θα θέλα ενά…” (pronounced as “tha thela ena”), otherwise known as “I would like one…” The options are endless and delicious. Do I want a classic σουβλάκι (sou-vla-ki) with… More

Winter is Here

Sydney Parks February 25, 2019

Currently Studying at: Arcadia in Greece, Greece Homeschool: Beloit College Winter in Greece? No Problem! I’m from the Midwest of America, so I think that I can handle mid-forties with just a North Face and a lighter jacket underneath that. I was wrong… More

STUDYing Abroad

Sydney Parks February 19, 2019

Currently Studying at: Arcadia in Greece, Greece Homeschool: Beloit College Athens has been amazing so far. However, now that we have begun to settle into a routine I have decided to impart some knowledge to you if you plan to study abroad at any point… More

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