Feliz Cumpleaños

Sarah Todaro August 28, 2016

Although it has always been a personal goal of mine to step foot onto Cuban soil, I never thought that I’d actually have the opportunity to spend 3.5 months living on such a mysterious island. Hard work pays off, and here I sit in the Florida Keys preparing… More

On Human Rights

Aaron Cantrall March 25, 2016

I’ve discussed human rights with many people here, and how Cuba and the rest of the world respects or violates them. Before these conversations, I thought I understood what human rights are, and what it means to violate them. I thought that the United… More

I Like It Here

Aaron Cantrall February 12, 2016

I expected it to take me longer to settle in. This was one of the few expectations I had when I came here. Because information about life in Cuba is relatively scarce (there is plenty of information about being a tourist, as that is perfectly legal for… More

Preparing / Preparando

Aaron Cantrall January 17, 2016

I consider myself an experienced traveller. In my 20 years of life I’ve seen more of the world than I could have ever expected. I’ve vacationed in Costa Rica, lived with a host family in China for a summer, spent the best seven months of my life backpacking… More

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